Sri Chaitanya : Ekaler Drishtikon by Khhetra Gupta Bangla pdf book

Remembrance and worship of Chaitanya is a heavenly realization to a devotee Vaishnava. There are still many people, a very large number, some Vaishnavas, some not—but devout, who believe that the remembrance of Chaitanya will lead to the liberation of the living beings.
Beyond the divinity and miracles, the human achievements of this great man have been analyzed by the authors studying Chaitanya Dharma philosophy literature. Many of these authors have extensive studies on the society and culture of medieval Bengal. Some of the authors are devoted to Vaishnavism, some are not averse to devotionalism in general. But all have shown social consciousness in their essays. They found the historical value of consciousness and the consciousness-movement in objectivity and rationality.
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Book name- Sri Chaitanya : Ekaler Drishtikon (শ্রী চৈতন্য একালের দৃষ্টিকোন)
Author- Khhetra Gupta
Book Type- A religious related book
File type- pdf
Pages- 152
PDF size- 10Mb
Quality- good, no watermark.
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