Nick Pirog Three AM Series Bangla Anubad pdf file
Dear Friends, now I want to share six books of 3 AM series. World famous thriller story writer Nick Pirog wrote this series. This American novelist was born in 1984. He is the author of Best 11 thriller’s novels. Every novel of his as one of the BestSeller that recognized by Amazon. Henry Bins is an exceptional fictional character of his creation who is affected a surprising and weird disease. The symptom of the disease is awake for only 1 hour a day. This disease was first found in his so the name of the disease has been named ‘Henry Bins’ in line with his name.
The story of every book in this series is about the mystery, detective & thriller.
There are six books in this post and all books are written by Nick Pirog and translated into Bangla by Salman Haque and Najmus Sakib.
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3.00 AM
Pages- 106
Size- 4mb
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3.06 AM
Pages- 49
Size- 8mb
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3.10 AM
Pages- 114
Size- 6mb
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3.21 AM
Pages- 96
Size- 5mb
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3.34 AM
Pages- 175
Size- 5mb
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3.46 AM
Pages- 127
Size- 4mb
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PDF Qualities- High, without any watermark
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