Natun Natun Natok by Various Playwrighters, Bengali book pdf

None of the works in the new drama collections are very old. A few plays have been staged. The first play of the book is written by veteran educationist Pratap Chandra Chandra. Pratap Chandra’s penchant for drama is well known. Within ten days of receiving the invitation from the Parliament, he completed the writing and sent the play Virpurush. The presence of eminent dramatists Badal Sarkar and Mohit Chatterjee enriched and dignified the ensemble. Shailen Ghosh and Nirmalendu Gautam are the big friends of Chotos due to their playwriting and needs. No doubt, without them this collection would not have been complete.
There are twenty-four dramas in this collection.
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e-book name- ‘Natun Natun Natok’(নতুন নতুন নাটক),
Written by- various,
Edited by- Manoj Mitra
Type of book- plays collection book,
File format- PDF,
PDF size- 2 Mb,
Pages- 322,
Quality- Good, no watermark, clickable contents.
Collect this play collection book– ‘Natun Natun Natok‘ Bengali Book Pdf