Kolkatar Babu Brittanto by Loknath Ghosh, free ebook pdf

After the beginning of British rule in India, a new kind of people called ‘Babu’ emerged. The rise of the Babus was mainly in the aristocratic areas of Calcutta. Money was the measure of the social status of these ‘babus’. They received the money as an accomplice to the plunder of the British. In this way, they sucked the blood of common people all over Bengal and built a mountain of abundance in Calcutta. And their luxury was skyrocketing. Their only goal was luxury and waste.
Read this book to know the stories of various enjoyment and waste of money of these Babus.
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Book name- ‘Kolkatar Babu Brittanto’ (কলকাতার বাবু বৃত্তান্ত)
Author- Loknath Ghosh
Translator- Shuddhodon Sen
Book Type- Bangla Historical story
File type- pdf
Pages- 302
PDF size- 24Mb
Quality- good, no watermark
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