Kittu Lahirir Tin Kirti by Himanish Goswami, Bengali Detective ebook pdf

Kirti Lahiri aka Kittu Lahiri, popularly known as Kittu. This detective character is completely different from other detective stories.
Kittu’s guru Fatik Chand is also different. His nickname is Bagha. One day after coming out of jail, this person, a complete stranger, suddenly opened the lock of the house and entered Kittu Lahiri’s house! Since then he has been Kittu’s co-worker, friend, assistant, guardian and chief advisor. Kittu Lahiri has no other option than ‘Baghakaka’.
There are three novels. These were released at the Anand Mela. These are- Kittur Gurulav, Purano Boier Rahasya, Bichitra Pathar Rahasya.
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Book name- Kittu Lahirir Tin Kirti (কিট্টু লাহিড়ীর তিন কীর্তি)
Author- Himanish Goswami
Book Type- Children’s Detective story book
File type- pdf
Pages- 121
PDF size- 11Mb and Uploader- Mitu Mitra
Quality- good, no watermark
Collect the Children’s detective book– ‘Kittu Lahirir Tin Kirti by Himanish Goswami‘ Bangla ebook pdf.