Geetgobindo by Kabi Joydeb PDF । Mahakabi Joydeber Geetgobinder Prakrito Padyanubad

Geetgobindo by Kabi Joydeb PDF । Mahakabi Joydeber Geetgobinder Prakrito Padyanubad, Bangla ebook in pdf

Geetgobindo by Kabi Joydeb PDF

Geetgobindo by Kabi Joydeb PDF । Mahakabi Joydeber Geetgobinder Prakrito Padyanubad, Bangla ebook pdf
The loves of Krishna and Radha, or the reciprocal attraction between the divine goodness and the human soul, are told at large in the tenth book of the Bhagbat, and are the subject of a little pastoral drama, entitled “Gitagovnda; it was the work of Jayadeva, who flourished, it is said, before Kalidasa, and was born, as he tells us himself, in Konduli, which many believe to be in Kalinga ; but since there is a town of a similar name in Bardawan (Becrbhoom ?) the natives of it insist that the finest lyric poet of India was their countryman, and celebrate in honour of him, an annual Jabilee, passing a whole night in representing his drama, and in singing his beautiful songs. -Asiatic Researches, Vol. III. p. 182

“The ‘Gita Govind,’ then, or ‘Song of Govind’, is a Sanskrit idyll, or little pastoral drama, in which under the form of Krishna, an incarnation of the God Vishnu-the human soul is displayed in its relations alternately with earthly and celestial beauty. Krishna –at once human and divine-is first seen attracted by the pleasures of the senses (personified by the shepherdesses in the wood), and wasting his affections upon the delights of this illusory world. Radha, the spirit of intellectual and moral beauty, comes to free him from his error by enkindling in his heart a desire for her own surpassing loveliness of form and character; and under the parable of a human passion * * * the gradual emancipation of Krishna from sensuous distractions, and his union with Radha in a high and spiritualised happiness, are pourtrayed. Their general interpretation, at any rate, though disputed by certain authorities, is maintained by Jones, Lassen, and others.”

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Book name- Geetgobindo (Gita Govind)
Author- Kabi Joydeb
Translator- Kabi Giridhar
Book Type- Verse Translation Religion Book
File type- pdf
Pages- 109
PDF size- 4Mb
Quality- good, no watermark

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