Baro Bhooter Goppo by Satyajit Roy, Bangla Best Ghost Story Book PDF

There is no correct explanation of ghosts in the world, but whether ghosts exist or not, ghost stories were, are, and will be. Also, the addiction to reading ghost stories was, still is, and will be in the future. Ghost stories have probably been popular since the dawn of human civilization.
Many writers have written ghost stories in Bengali literature but Satyajit Ray created a new genre in Bengali ghost stories. Ghosts come in different guises in different stories written by him. This collection contains twelve ghost stories. These are-
Anathbabur Bhoy
Nil Atanka
Brown Saheber Bari
Ratanbabu Ar Sei Lokta
Mr. Sasmoler Shesh Ratri
Gagan Chowdhurir Studio
Ami Bhoot
Tarini Khuro O Lakhnoir Dwel
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Book name- ‘Baro Bhooter Goppo’
Written by- Satyajit Roy
Book genre- Best Ghost Story collection
File format- PDF
PDF Size- 13Mb
Pages- 147
Quality- Good, without any watermark
Dear readers, you can collect this Ghost Stories collection book- ‘Baro Vooter Golpo by Satyajit Ray‘ Bengali book pdf.