Taalnabami by Bibhutibhusjhan Bandyopadhyay ebook pdf

‘Taalnabami’ is a timeless short story written by the eminent literary Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. Overcoming the complexities of a luxurious urban life, far, far away, in the context of an underdeveloped simple-ordinary rural life, ‘Taalnabami’ is an immortal story of pure joy, laughter, and tears of two holy children. Author Bibhutibabu has portrayed the pure simplicity of the humble rural life through this story.
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Book name- Taalnabami (তালনবমী)
Author- Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay
Book Type- Short story
File type- pdf
Pages- 49
PDF size- 3Mb
Quality- good, no watermark.