Pashchimbange Anuprabesh Samasya O Samadhan by Mohit Roy pdf

Infiltration into West Bengal has been a major problem since India’s independence. In 1993, the historian Amalendu Dey wrote the first book on infiltration, entitled ‘Prasanga Anuprabesh’.
Later, through the book ‘Pashchimbange Anuprabesh Samasya O Samadhan’, the author has highlighted this problem and its solutions.
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Book name- ‘Pashchimbange Anuprabesh Samasya O Samadhan’ (পশ্চিমবঙ্গে অনুপ্রবেশ সমস্যা ও সমাধান)
Author- Mohit Roy
Book Type- Informative Book
File type- pdf
Pages- 10
PDF size- 3Mb
Collect from- molat, a Facebook group
Quality- good, no watermark
Reclaiming West Bengal