Kindle Bangla Books Collection
What is the Kindle?
The Kindle is a small electronic device for reading books, it has been developed by online retailer Amazon. Books can be downloaded through this device and read in a specific format. The Kindle is a very small and light device, you can take it with you everywhere and put a few whole libraries in it. So beautiful skin that it feels like reading a paper printed book. If you are addicted to reading books, how many books can you take with you when you go somewhere, then there is no alternative to this device.
At this time Amazon has released the latest version of the Kindle (10th Gen) and 6″ display. You can find out more about it by clicking here. Learn more.
- Advantages and features of a Kindle: –
- 8 GB storage, several thousand books can be stored.
- High contrast screen that lets you read even in bright sunlight.
- Clear text and fonts and a clear display – reads like a real paper book page.
- It can be read in the dark with less damage to the eyes.
- The size of the text is changeable.
- Inbuilt WiFi or internet connection.
- The Battery life of at least one month if the WiFi is off.
- Page-turning function to make you feel like you’re reading an original book.
- Allows you to connect with Facebook and Twitter and search on Wikipedia.
- Never as hot as a laptop.
- Books can be classified or stored as collections.
- Auto Archive Function: You can delete books and download them again.
- The screen can be rotated for better viewing of pictures, diagrams, maps, etc.
- Able to read newspapers, magazines, and web pages.
- The in-built keyboard is able to search any book, online.
- You can add your own annotations to the text.
- Automatic bookmarking.
- In-built Oxford English Dictionary (if you don’t understand the meaning of a word, click on it and you will see the meaning of that word immediately. Again, the word you see will go to a separate vocabulary list).
- It is also password protected.
Lots of Kindle version Bengali books are shared in this post. Courtesy by- kindlebengali telegram group. Collect these files by clicking on the name of the book below-
1. Sei Somoy by Sunil Gangopadhyay
2. Syed Mustafa Siraj Kishor Karnel Samagra
3. Mark Toen Galpasamagra, translated by Manindra Dutta
4. Sakhi Thakrun by Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay
5. Bible Old Testament
6. Bible New Testament
7. Ananta Draghima by Anil Gharai (Received Bankim Sahitya Puruskar)
8. Bhoutik Amnibus by Manobendra Pal
9. Kalabati Samagra – Moti Nandi
10. Oscar Wilde Golpo Samagra
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