Kadambari (কাদম্বরী) by Banabhatta Bangla Anubad pdf file
‘Kadambari’ is a Sanskrit novel written by Banabhatta who was the scholar of King Harsavardhana. Harsavardhana ruled in northern India till 606 AD. So Kadambari was written at that time. This novel’s place in Sanskrit literature is very high. The narrative of a novel of ancient India, the Bengali teenager must love it.
Book name- Kadambari (কাদম্বরী)
Author- Banabhatta
Book type- Ancient Historical Novel
File type- pdf
Quality- not bad, without any watermark
There is two translated book by two translators-
1. Kadambari (কাদম্বরী) Anubad by Binay Kumar Gangopadhyay. Original source of pdf
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2. Kadambari (কাদম্বরী) Anubad by Tarashankar Tarkaratna (from the original Sanskrit) Original source of pdf
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Dear readers, collect this ancient literature in the Bengali language- ‘Kadambari’