Bishakha by Sunil Gangopadhyay Bengali story book pdf free download
‘Bishakha’ is a pure realistic love story by Sunil Gangopadhyay. Here author draw the character Debnath who is realistic and quite interesting. There are three character in this story, they are Debnath, Bishakha and Manujesh and the author has analyzed the entire human mind through these three characters. There is no defect is seen after the story is over.
When we think about Sunil Gangopadhyay, the bright star of Bangla literature, we feel that he is in our hearts for forever especially in the mind of the literary thirsty people. How can we forget that he left the priceless wealth in the repository of Bengali literature? He has written more than two hundred books in the long 78 years. There are include novels, short stories, poetry and travelogue etc. Each of his creation is unique. Though Sunil babu was a renowned novelist but his favorite subject was poetry.
Dear readers, now I want to share another realistic love story book ‘Bishakha by Sunil Gangopadhyay‘ in pdf file.
Book name- Bishakha
Writer- Sunil Gangopadhyay
Book Type- realistic love story
File format- pdf
Total pages- 44
Pdf size- 4mb
Quality- best, no watermark
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