Aparupa Ajanta by Narayan Sanyal bengali ebook free
Where the angels enter carefully, why did I get there suddenly? To give my apologies, at first the desire was awakening to demand apology to those angels. If the world is asking India today, Which architecture I shall go to see in your country? I think India will reply to the world- Ajanta-Ellora, Konark and Taj Mahal. The world comes to India to see these place even today. But unfortunately, we did not even make any arrangements today to show and realization that Ajanta-Ellora. Every year lakhs of visitors come to Ajanta, the government can spend millions of rupees per year in the name of Ajantra, nonetheless the original guide book for Ajanta has not been printed yet. Readers can be search some ancient illustration of Ajanta and Ellora caves.
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Now Ajanta is on the path of degradation very quickly. There is something today, maybe ten years later it will not be there.
The author has tried to highlight the complete information to the readers about Ajanta.
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Book name- Aparupa Ajanta
Author- Narayan Sanyal
Book type- Historical novel
File type- pdf
Pages- 218
PDF size- 18mb
Quality- good, without any watermark